Shiatsu - the art of mindful touch

Shiatsu has its origin in Japan and is a holistic form of manual therapy. Shiatsu is usually practiced on a futon on the floor on a fully clothed client. The theoretical background derives from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well as traditional Japanese treatment methods. The translation means “Shi” finger and “atsu” pressure. In Japan Shiatsu is an officially approved form of therapeutic bodywork and takes a role equivalent to physical therapy in Europe.

A Shiatsu Practitioner works with mindful, deep pressure of thumb, heels of the hands, elbows, knees or feet and uses liberating stretches, rotations and rhythmic dynamic movements. Thereby tensions are being softened and the energy flow within the body is being harmonized. The body gets more permeable, more open and more flexible. The nervous system can calm down, deep relaxation is likely to unfold and the body’s own healing powers and self-regulation are being activated.

Philosophies of eastern healing cultures have a different take on health and disease. Self-Care is seen as an essential preventative action to sustain health, so that disease might not occur in the first place. Shiatsu therefore serves primarily as a preventative, health-sustaining measure and is suitable for every age.

Shiatsu treatment does not replace a visit to a physician but can serve as a reasonable complementary treatment.

More information on Shiatsu in Austria:

More information on my Shiatsu School:

Nuad  - Healing Touch 

Nuad (Thai Yoga Massage) means “old, healing touch”. Its roots lie in the mountains of North India. Its foundations derive from Ayurveda and Yoga and are about 5000 years old. Here body, mind and soul are seen as one. That means that physical pain is connected to emotional and mental distress and has to be dealt with accordingly. Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha was the King’s medical attendant and a contemporary of Buddha. 2500 years ago he brought all his knowledge to Thailand and developed the method further. The tradition was passed on for a long time by word of mouth and was exclusively practiced in temples and hospitals by monks and doctors.  

For thousands of years NUAD is part of Thai folk medicine. NUAD too is practiced on a futon on the floor on a fully clothed client and the therapist works with acupuncture points and energy lines (Nadis/Meridians) as part of the treatment. NUAD is meditation in motion. In a state of inner alignment and connection the practitioner transmits Metta (loving kindness) and Karuna (empathy). Just as in Shiatsu the practitioner uses his/her own body to move and stretch the client’s body. Thereby different kind of body tissue and joints are being released from tension so that Prana (life energy) can flow again freely. This kind of treatment activates the body’s own healing powers, it supports well-being and the relaxation of the nervous system. It also improves circulation of bodily fluids which helps to improve metabolism, digestion, the respiratory system and also flexibility and posture.

Like Shiatsu NUAD too is primarily a preventative, health sustaining measure and it is suitable for all ages.

A NUAD treatment does not replace a visit to a physician but can serve as a reasonable complementary therapy.

More information on my NUAD school:


A treatment session:

A treatment typically starts with a little preliminary talk to discuss the present state of well-being, requests and individual needs. Thereupon follows the treatment. I always start in silence with a short meditation to create the right space for the session. The client can use this moment to arrive into her/his own body and to connect herself/hisself with her/his breath. A treatment is always a snap-shot of the present moment in which I adapt and commit myself to the individual situation and individual needs. No treatment is like another one. The session ends with another short phase of silence and a short post-treatment-talk.