The Offer.

Shiatsu Thai Bodywork

I call the treatments that I offer Shiatsu Thai Bodywork. Within these treatments I mainly combine and connect the two holistic body therapies Shiatsu and Nuad. Certainly other techniques that I have learned over the years on my bodywork journey influence my work as well. No session is like another one as I always listen and respond to every individual in that very moment. Often holistic bodywork is received as deep relaxation. However, it is just as possible that sensations and experiences that are part of a bigger process are being moved. The effect can therefore vary from relaxing to activating, strengthening and in difficult phases of life supporting. Trust your body - it will take what it needs.

Treatments can help with bodily discomforts (headache, migraine, musculoskeletal pain, stomach pain, intestinal pain, digestive problems, menstrual problems, chronic and acute physical discomfort ia) with emotional and mental distress (burnout, stress, trauma, sleep disorder, anxiety, exhaustion, chronic fatigue ia) and with processes of change (recovery and rehabilitation after disease or injuries, pregnancy and the time after birth, menopause, difficult or challenging phases of life ia). Furthermore they offer an opportunity for regular preventative health- and self-care.

The frequency of treatments depend on the person and is often related to individual needs. I am happy to provide advice in this regard.

For a session please bring comfortable casual clothing, preferably natural materials (like cotton). Please wear long trousers and fresh socks. Ideally do not eat a big meal 1-2 hour prior to a treatment.

Bodywork for Pregnancy

Holistic Bodywork in Pregnancy can be a great resource for Mamas-to-be, for their growing babies and for the connection between them. My specialization for pregnant women includes Well-Mother-Shiatsu by Suzanne Yates as well as various trainings based on NUAD, Osteopathy, midwifery and Craniosacral Therapy. My type of bodywork is directed first and foremost to young mothers during their pregnancy and after birth. However this work can also be beneficial for women before getting pregnant or for other cyclical female themes.

For me working with young mothers is very special and all the training I have taken in this respect has been very inspiring. Pregnancy, birth and young motherhood are phases of great change and can therefore often be quite challenging. Here, bodywork offers space and support. I was lucky to have experienced it myself during my own pregnancies and can therefore wholeheartedly recommend it to young Mamas. Being a mother of a now almost 5-year-old daughter and a 16-month-old son (status: summer 2024) I can only too well understand how difficult it is being in this role of mother and finding space and time for oneself. For this reason I also know however, how important it is to find this space again and again. We have to nourish mothers for they nourish our children for our children are our future.

Pregnancy-supportive bodywork can be received in all three trimesters of pregnancy and post-partum. I would be happy and honored to support you throughout your whole pregnancy and thereafter. In my experience women in their first trimester of pregnancy hardly ask for support or even announce their pregnancy yet to the outside world. My wish is that this “taboo” will slowly but surely be broken, because especially in this phase of pregnancy the processes of adaptation and change within a woman’s body, mind and soul are the most profound - no matter whether this new soul will stay until the end or not. No woman should feel alone in this time. Bodywork in pregnancy offers a wonderful support and does not pose additional threat nor implicates any added risks as individual needs are always the center of each treatment.

For the treatment please bring long, casual clothing and fresh socks, preferably in natural materials such as cotton.

Furthermore I can full-heartedly recommend to all Mamas-to-be Pregnancy-Retreats organized by

Deborah and Annalena birthed this wonderful project in 2023 and I am honored to offer bodywork to a group of pregnant Mamas at these magical gatherings.

Craniosacral Therapy (Hugh Milne)

(in training under supervision)

Craniosacral Work developed from Cranial Osteopathy, which was established in the 1930s by the American osteopath and visionary William Sutherland.

Craniosacral Work is a gentle body therapy that works with the movements of the craniosacral wave. The therapist uses a state of deep presence to mindfully use technique and impulses to communicate with cranial bones, the Central Nervous System as well as the membrane in the cranium and spine. Beyond that, according to indication, other bodily regions like neck, chest, hips and legs are also actively included in the treatment. It is all about Silence and Movement and listening to them. It is a work that can go quite deep. Craniosacral Therapy can activate and support processes of healing and regeneration.

“What the Navajo call ‘the wind’s child,’ Genesis calls ‘the breath of life.’ It is a silent force, a field of chi, which blows through the craniosacral system, animates it, and infuses it with information and intelligence.

It is possible to listen to this field. The ability to do this is called ‘the heart of listening.”

Hugh Milne’s approach of visionary craniosacral work combines anatomy, process work as well as shamanic work with the basic principles of Osteopathy and Craniosacral Work in body, mind and soul. It is a great school of perception and as to now I am in the middle of it.

Treatments are an important part of my training, which is why I can offer them lower priced. I am looking forward to new encounters.

For a treatment bring casual clothing and fresh socks, ideally in natural material such as cotton.

The Space.

Bad Aussee

The treatment room is located at Chlumeckyplatz 3 in the center of Bad Aussee on the second floor. Walk up twice the wooden stairs, turn after the stairs in each case right. On the second floor you will turn right again and then left through the glas door - the room is straight ahead at the end of the hall way.

You have made it! Shoes off, slippers on - arrive.

I am happy to see you.


At the moment treatments in Graz are happening infrequently with previous announcement. Please ask for further dates.

The room is located at Kaiser Franz Josef Kai 52, 8010 Graz, close to the Schlossbergbahn station. Walk through the big door into the building and it is the door on the right.

I am happy to see you.

The prices.

ShiatsuThai à 75 min - EUR 85

ShiatsuThai à 90 min – EUR 102

ShiatsuThai à 120 min – EUR 130


2 treatments à 90 min – EUR 170

(to use within 6 weeks time)

Pregnancy Treatments

à 75 min - EUR 85

5er Block à 75 min - EUR 410

10er Block à 75 min - EUR 800

Post-Partum Hausbesuch à 60 min - EUR 80

in training under supervision: 

Craniosacral Work (90 min) – EUR 65

Discount for pupils, students, single parents, people with low income und job seekers on request!